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10th International Munich Chassis Symposium

25-06-2019 – 26-06-2019 – Munich, Germany

Cooperation partners

10th International Munich Chassis Symposium plus 2019

In chassis development, the three aspects of safety, vehicle dynamics and driving comfort are at the top of the list of challenges to be faced. This becomes even more complex when the chassis is required to interact with assistance systems and other systems for fully automated driving. New demands are also created by the introduction of modern electric and electronic architectures. All these requirements must be met by the chassis along with its subsystems steering, brakes, tires and wheels.

The increasing automation of driving functions and the electrification of powertrains present new challenges for the chassis with regard to complexity, redundancy, data security, and installation space. At the same time, the mobility of the future will also require entirely new vehicle concepts, particularly in urban areas. The intelligent chassis must be connected, electrified, and automated in order to be best prepared for this future. Will the chassis remain a strategic key area of expertise in 2025 or will it be just another component? This is one of the questions that will play an important role at the anniversary event of the International Munich Chassis Symposium plus. 2019 will mark the 20th anniversary of, which is being held for the tenth time in its present form as plus and will bring together leading experts from all over the world for an exchange of ideas and experience on the chassis, steering systems, brakes, and tires/wheels.

After a short review of the past and a look into the future by Prof. Dr. Ulrich Seiffert, renowned keynote speakers such as Friedrich Eichler (Volkswagen), Atsushi Tsubouchi (Honda), Stephen Mitas (Porsche) and former Formula 1 world champion Nico Rosberg (TRE) will provide an overview of the latest approaches. Speakers from industry and research will discuss current developments in the chassis, steering systems, brakes, and tires/wheels in four parallel strands of lectures. The program is rounded off by two plenary sessions at the beginning and end of the conference.

Eine fĂĽr alle

Vier Kongresse in einer Veranstaltung. (EN)

Das Internationale Münchner Fahrwerk-Symposium ist der weltweit führende Branchentreff der Fahrwerk-Community der Bereiche Chassis, Lenkung, Bremsen und Reifen/Räder.

Am 1. Tag erwartet Sie die themenübergreifende Sektion plus mit zwei parallelen Vortragssträngen am Nachmittag. Es werden übergeordnete Themen aus dem Bereich Fahrwerk und Fahrdynamik behandelt, bevor sich das Symposium am 2. Tag in die folgenden vier parallelen Fachsektionen zu den Schwerpunkten Fahrwerk, Lenkung, Bremsen sowie Reifen/Räder teilt:

  • (EN)

Am Nachmittag wird die Veranstaltung wieder zur themenĂĽbergreifenden Sektion plus zusammengefĂĽhrt.

Den Teilnehmern ist ein Wechsel zwischen den vier Parallelsektionen jederzeit möglich. Die einzelnen Parallelsektionen am zweiten Tag sind gegen eine reduzierte Teilnahmegebühr separat buchbar.



Während der gesamten Veranstaltung können Sie sich in der begleitenden Fachausstellung über innovative Produkte und Dienstleistungen im Bereich Fahrwerksentwicklung informieren. (EN)

Four Congresses in One Event

Main Subject Areas

Urban mobility drives innovations

AI conquers the chassis

Steer-by-wire offers new opportunities

Keynote Lectures

Dr. Frank Schmidt
Bosch Engineering GmbH

Atsushi Tsubouchi
Honda R&D Co., Ltd.

Patricio Barbale
IHS Global SRL

Stephen Mitas
Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG

Nico Rosberg

Friedrich Eichler
Volkswagen AG

on the 2nd day four parallel sections

The Program in Detail SpeakersAdvisory Board


  • Manufacturers of passenger cars and commercial vehicles and their suppliers
  • Development service providers
  • Universities and research institutes
  • Manufacturers of measuring, testing and simulation systems
  • Authorities, associations and testing institutes.


Hotel Bayerischer Hof
Promenadeplatz 2-6
80333 Munich, Germany

Conference language

Simultaneous interpreting (German/English)

chassis.Xperience – the driving event at this year's plus, where you can experience driver assistance system functions live. 

Book your driving event the day before or directly after the conference.

Find out more

The accompanying trade exhibition

A trade exhibition of interesting suppliers and service providers rounds off the conference and provides the opportunity to find out about innovations on site.

Details on the trade exhibition

Downloadable events program

Your contact partner

Your contact partner

Hannah Klusmann

+49 (0) 611. 7878 321


Information of our Sponsors


Cooperation partners

Media partners

Scientific Director and Advisory Board

Scientific Director of the Symposium
Prof. Dr. Peter E. Pfeffer, Munich University of Applied Sciences

A scientific advisory board made up of outstanding personalities from each of the fields involved supports our conference in terms of planning and finding topics.